
wear this necklace it gives you protection, it was made a thousand years ago, by my son, he wore it in the high desert gave it to me when i was on my death bead,, his eyes were the deepest blu, the same as when the sun is going to the other side and the shadow makes the sky the color of his eyes mesmorized mesmerized, the color left his eyes and came to mine, the necklace has had many lives behind, souls collected over time one by one as they pass on by, sing to the necklace for it will bring you a bliss full world, where you can meet other wearers, wearers of time, come together where it brings you, we are your friends this is your tribe.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

new music up soon

I've ben recording for some film parts recently! One of which is for a company called patagonia maybe you've heard of them and the other is for my friend Ryan Lovelace, he makes surfboards, The songs will be up soon. check back.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


surfed rincon yesterday for 20 min heres what happened... catch first wave snap pull into barrel don't make it, loose contact lens,and break my leash, paddle back out catch another loose other lens, paddle back out completely blind, while sitting in lineup tough guy paddles over me (im ok) then as he's turning around says "sit in front of people" and kicks me. so I proceed to paddle back up to the top of the point and catch the next biggest wave that comes by and totally blow it within 20ft.
But then totally redeemed my self by paddling out in the full moon and surfing the con, soul sesh, till 11pm